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What is Pre and Post-Partum Depression

What is Pre and Post-Partum Depression

Many expectant mothers and mothers go through depressive episodes without realizing it. In some women the symptoms are discrete, while in others it is severe. If so, contact counselling clinic in Grimsby.


As a rule, a person with depression suffers from low mood, loss of interest and the ability to experience joy or pleasure. It is characterized by the feeling of a decrease in energy, leading to increased fatigue and decreased activity. In many cases, severe fatigue occurs with minimal effort.

Other common symptoms are impaired concentration and attention, decreased self-esteem and self-esteem, ideas of guilt and futility, indifferent or pessimistic perceptions of the future, the appearance of thoughts of harming oneself and the child, the emergence of thoughts of suicide, dementia, memory appetite, disturbed sleep, etc. These symptoms can occur with or without somatic complaints such as headaches, back pain, etc.

Depression is described as a mental state in which a person experiences sadness, helplessness and loneliness. As a term, it includes more information about mood disorders and emotional disorders.

Scientists have found that women are more likely to develop depression than men, but it exists in both sexes and across all age groups.


Most often the reason is due to the combination of various factors that could be genetic, biochemical, hormonal, physical, psychological, social – environmental factors.

Prenatal depression

Depression can occur at any stage of a person’s life.

When this happens during pregnancy, it is called prenatal or perinatal depression.

It is common practice for symptoms to be underestimated or linked to the usual changes that occur in the body and psyche of a pregnant woman.


Premature diagnosis of the condition is dangerous because world-wide studies have shown that depression and high pregnancy anxiety are associated with an increased risk of preterm birth. If the symptoms remain untreated, they can also affect the developing fetus.

Studies have linked prenatal depression to high crying, excitatory nervous system and hyperactivity as features that are subsequently recorded in the child’s behavior.

Underestimation of the condition also leads to the risk of reducing the mother’s ability to take care of herself (to eat healthy and well, to sleep enough, to regularly attend women’s consultations, to observe the schedule for tests and tests for fetal abnormalities, etc. .) as well as taking care of his baby after birth and his family as a whole.

Emotional support

Good social and emotional support – understanding and helping especially your partner, family, friends and colleagues are key to dealing with depression. In a state of increased crying, depression, sadness, easy excitement and irritability, the rule is – do not be left alone because you will deepen the negative experiences, fatigue and guilt.

Professional help

Seek professional help depression medication online if the mood disorders do not disappear within two weeks, the symptoms have become more intense or if compulsive, strange and unrealistic thoughts have arisen. Talk about your condition!

Be rational

Approach rationally and help yourself by reducing the stress of ambitious personal or professional plans during this period. Do not make vital decisions right now such as a home change, grand renovations. Set realistic goals. Organize your daily routine, enjoyable – rest more, eat well, go for walks, move.

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