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How To Recognize A Problem In Your Marriage

How To Recognize A Problem In Your Marriage

Your Marriage

Here at counselling centre brampton we will give you some tips and tricks on how to find and recognize a problem with your partner and make sure to find a common language to discuss and solve it.
Marriage cannot work if the partners do not respect each other. statistically, there is an 81% chance that marriage will fail if the husband does not share power with the wife. Women find it easier to accept the influence of a partner, which is probably due to gender differences. Allowing a partner to influence you does not mean consent to control and subordination. Accepting the influence of a partner does not mean not expressing negative emotions towards him / her. Suppressing negative emotions in the presence of a partner is not good for either marriage or health.

Solve solvable problems

Problems are divided into solvable and unsolvable. Despite unsolvable conflicts, married couples can live with them if they develop ways of coping, not to overcome them, when they find a place for the problem and even joke about the problem. Happy couples are able to see that problems are an inevitable part of a relationship. Marriages are successful to the extent that they face problems. Problems need to be addressed on time. Ignoring the problems only leads to their deepening. The solution to marital problems begins with open communication.

Find common activities to enjoy

It is very important that you find a common activity that you will both enjoy. This is not about obligations, the upbringing of children, etc. It is something that only you and your partner do and it gives you pleasure. Find such activity and practice it at least once a week. In addition to joint activities, it is equally important that you both find some activities to do on your own. This is an activity that relates solely to your interests and does not have to involve a partner. It is advisable to strike a balance between what you have in common and what you do on your own. This will strengthen your community as well as your personal autonomy.

Nurture your sex life

Sexuality is a very important component of marriage. Don’t let your sex life become a routine and a marital obligation. Sex should be something you enjoy together and not an obligation and something you have to do. Solve sexual problems if they occur. Establish communication in sex, say what you want, ask your partner what he / she wants, never interrupt. Make sure you bring something new to your sex life on time. If you don’t have inspiration, get books, go to the sex shop and try something new.

Find us on Google and OurBis. We are here to provide you with the needed help and make sure your marital problems get resolved so you can finally be happy.

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